Published Tuesday, Nov. 23, 2021, 2:45 pm Join AFP’s 100,000+ followers on Facebook Purchase a subscription to AFP Subscribe to AFP podcasts on iTunes and Spotify News, press releases, letters to the editor: [email protected] Advertising inquiries: [email protected] (© fizkes – Startup companies in fast-growing fields often need significant cash […]

Mothers-to-be facing life-threatening cases of high blood pressure. People whose kidneys are at risk of shutting down. Seniors who get rushed to emergency rooms due to preventable problems like dehydration or inadequate care. Northwell Health and Manhattan-based “startup studio” Aegis Ventures hope those are among the people who will benefit […]

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — The Taiwanese company that manufactures smartphones for Apple Inc. and other global brands announced plans Monday to produce electric cars for auto brands under a similar contract model. Foxconn Technology Group will produce cars and buses for brands in China, North America, Europe and other markets, […]