May 17, 2024


Unlimited Technology

Friday Plans Review – How this small startup is revolutionizing the ED industry | Paid Content | Cleveland

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You’ve seen Pfizer dominate the news over the last year for their COVID-19 vaccine, but in all the commotion, there is certainly one headline about the company you missed.

In April of 2020, Pfizer’s patent on their revolutionary erectile dysfunction medication, Viagra®, expired[1]. For the first time since its creation in 1996, companies could manufacture a generic form of Viagra®, making the best treatment for ED more affordable. For those who couldn’t pay for medication before, this was amazing news.

Unfortunately, many of the companies selling generic Viagra® decided to prioritize profits over people. While generic Viagra® does cost less than the name brand, many ED medication companies decided not to pass the savings on to their customers. On average, a single pill of generic Viagra® can cost you $46[2]. Thankfully, one company found a better way.

How is Friday Plans different?

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The founders of Friday Plans don’t want to bankrupt their customers, and they aren’t greedy. They wanted to get generic Viagra® into the hands of those who need it for the lowest cost possible, without requiring a doctor’s appointment. So they revolutionized the ED industry by solving tough problems most people in healthcare were not willing to solve. They did this to help upgrade their customers sex lives to Sex 2.0.

  1. Friday Plans decided to build their own direct-to-patient platform from the ground up. They specialize in only dispensing ED medication, so they built a system that cut out the bloat usually associated with telemedicine. This not only made the process faster and simpler for patients, but allowed them to save on the mountain of costs usually associated with telemedicine services.
  2. They source their generic Viagra® directly from FDA approved pharmaceutical manufacturers, in exponentially larger quantities than a normal pharmacy. While buying in bulk can be a financial gamble, Friday Plans had the balls to take that chance. They knew it would be worth it, because it allows them to pass the savings along to the patients!
  3. In the same way that companies like Amazon use automation in their warehouses to keep their prices low, Friday Plans uses automation in it’s prescription filling process. They work with one of the country’s largest central fill pharmacies, helping them to lower costs even further by streamlining the prescription filling process.

So, what’s the price?

Friday Plans does not charge $40 per pill like their competitors. So do they charge $30? $20? $10? Close, but not quite there. Because of their revolutionary platform and process, Friday Plans charges as little as $1.75 per pill.

That’s right. $1.75. For less than the cost of a cup of drip coffee, you can have an erection that could cut glass (Disclaimer: You can’t actually cut glass, but you get the idea.) Innovation and a lack of greed: Two qualities we desperately need more of in our healthcare system!

Now, getting a cheap prescription for generic Viagra® is great, but what about the doctor’s visit? I mean honestly, who the hell wants to talk to their doctor about problems in the bedroom? Even though ED is nothing to be ashamed of, that’s one conversation no one wants to have.

Do I have to talk to my doctor to get Friday Plans?

What if I told you the answer was no? The exact opposite of the “yes! Yes! YES!” you’ll be hearing from your partner? That’s right, through Friday Plans, you do not need to speak to your doctor.

Instead of an in-person visit, Friday Plans uses a short questionnaire to assess your need for generic Viagra®. The questionnaire takes less than 2 minutes, and once approved, your first shipment of pills can be to you in as little as 3 days. 2 minutes to get the script, 3 days to receive the pills, and 3-4 hours later, you could be having the best sex of your life.

Right, so what’s the catch?

Yeah, that was my question too. When a deal seems too good to be true, it usually is.

Well, I personally hate swallowing pills. If they make a chewable form of a medication, I’m buying it. I’d heard about companies offering a chewable form of generic Viagra®, so I checked to see if Friday Plans does as well. Unfortunately, they do not.

So I contacted a representative to ask why. I didn’t want to sound ungrateful: I mean, these folks are offering the pills almost 40 times (math?) cheaper than some of their competitors. But if others could do a chewable, why couldn’t Friday Plans?

Turns out, it’s for safety reasons: Chewable forms of generic Viagra® are not approved by the FDA[3]. Not only that, but these chewable forms are made in compounding facilities, a non-FDA approved form of manufacturing with fewer safety regulations and way less oversight. They just don’t want to take the risk, and frankly, neither do I.

So how can I upgrade to Sex 2.0?

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If you want a free consultation, free prescription, and free shipping then click here to start taking your questionnaire. The questionnaire can take as little as 2 minutes, and once approved you could have your generic Viagra® in as little as 2-3 days.

They have 24/7 customer support, and are there to answer any questions you may have about their service. They also offer a 60-day money back guarantee. If you aren’t completely satisfied, Friday Plans will return every cent of your money, and you get to keep the pills you already have. Try it for yourself, and see just how much your sex life can improve.

Before you know it, you’ll feel just like your old self: firmer, longer-last erections and satisfying sex for you and your partner.

Don’t let ED shatter your confidence and ruin your sex life. Get your life back, and see if you qualify for ED medication today!

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