Benefits of Hypervisor and Virtualisation In Ensuring VPS Security

Benefits of Hypervisor and Virtualisation In Ensuring VPS Security

Virtual private server hosting is one of the most preferred and popular types of web hosting in India, and security is one of its major appeals. What makes VPS secure?

Virtualisation is a component in VPS hosting that is used in dividing the physical server into virtual servers. Hypervisors and virtualisation goes hand-in-hand in establishing a safe space and security in VPS hosting servers. 

In this blog, we explore the role of hypervisors and virtualisation in the best VPS hosting environment.


Hypervisors, also known as Virtual Machine Monitors (VMMs), are firmware, software, or hardware installed on servers that create and operate virtual machines (VMs). They enable server division, allowing multiple websites to share a single physical server. 

In simple terms, it sections the physical server into virtual partitions, with each partition having its own dedicated set of resources and isolated virtual server environment. 

Benefits of Hypervisors and Virtualisation for VPS Hosting Security

  • Seclusion and Isolation

What makes VPS hosting secure is its ability to create a safer place in the physical server by creating divisions. When hypervisors create isolated virtual machines (VMs), they operate independently of each other. 

This leads to seclusion from other server tenants, where security cannot be hampered due to other VMs, creating a secure VPS server. 

Isolation and seclusion also minimise the attack surface. An attacker who gains access to one VM does not automatically gain access to another VM or even the underlying host system.

  • Third-Party Integration

Since every server is virtually partitioned from the other, they can operate separately. 

This results in complete independence of servers, leading to the ability to incorporate additional security tools. With the separation, third-party integration becomes easy. You can employ security tools like intrusion detection systems, firewalls, antivirus solutions, hosting applications, etc. 

  • Rollback Capabilities

The capability of a VM to roll back is essential for quick recovery and mitigation of security incidents. Rollback refers to a server’s capability to restore its healthier or safer version. For example, if there is a security breach, the VM can roll back to the state from before the breach, restoring the safety and security of the server. 

  • Root Access

VPS security is always enhanced due to the root access provisions. Root access offers security as well as flexibility in actions, enabling fine-tuning permissions and control. 

By using virtual machines, administrators can create a secure VPS server environment where selected users can access the controls, keeping the integrity of the server intact. 

  • Protection and Recovery

Hypervisor virtualisation leads to data protection and seamless recovery. Third-party integrations help you successfully create a secure VPS server. 

This enables regular data backup, monitoring, detection, reporting, eradication and successful recovery plan implementation. Virtualisation also allows high availability, enabling VMs to migrate to another server in case of hardware failure. 

  • Improved Patch Management

Hypervisors streamline the process of applying patches and updates. Administrators can test these patches on secluded VMs before deploying them to the production environment, ensuring compatibility and reducing the risks of vulnerability. 

Additionally, virtual machines can also be quickly cloned and updated, resulting in sped up patch management procedures. 

Ending Note

Hypervisors and virtualisation are vital to ensuring VPS hosting security. Virtualisation features like isolation, root access, rollback capabilities and improved protection make your hosting environment a better place for your websites to stay. 

Leveraging such technologies can help businesses ensure a secure digital presence and safeguard their data and digital assets.

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