Forecasts are calling for more than a foot of snow this week in southern Michigan, which, if you are a skeptic, you might think is media hype.
Remember the last time we promised you snowmageddon?
But if you’re a Boy Scout — or a mom — you know it’s good to be prepared. And it just so happens that you’ve got a day or two to get ready. It’s expected to warm up and start raining Tuesday.
But between Wednesday and Thursday, as much as 10 to 15 inches of snow is expected to drop in metro Detroit in what National Weather Service meteorologists call a “long duration snowfall.”
Here’s what you need to know:
Could be a top 10 snowfall on record
Since 1880, the top ten snowfall records for metro Detroit have ranged from more than a foot to more than two feet. If the forecasts are right, this week’s total will land somewhere in there:
24.5 inches — Apr. 6, 1886
19.3 inches — Dec. 1-2, 1974
16.7 inches — Feb. 1-2, 2015
16.1 inches — Mar. 4-5, 1900
14.0 inches — Feb. 28-Mar. 1, 1900
13.8 inches — Dec. 18-19, 1929
12.8 inches — Feb. 12-13, 1894
12.6 inches — Feb. 19, 1908
12.5 inches — Jan. 31-Feb. 1, 1881
12.3 inches — Feb. 9, 1911
Get to the grocery store
Use the next two days to make sure you have some food in your refrigerator.
Two things are sure to happen: You won’t want to go out in the snow to get it if you run out, and if you wait, you are likely to find empty shelves because there was a run on essentials, such as bread and milk.
At the same time, beware that it’s possible that heavy snow could take out power lines, too. So don’t overstock your freezer and fridge just in case you have to go a while without electricity.
How to winterize your car
Find your ice scraper? If you can’t, buy a new one. You’ll need it — and a few other things.
Here are some tips from Free Press car critic Mark Phelan:
Check your washer fluid and fill up. And get the low-temperature kind because it’s going to be cold, too. The fluid helps keep your windshield clear. And check your wiper blades too.
It’s a good time to get new blades if they are at least six months old. Oh and never use your wipers to remove accumulated ice or snow. That’s what the ice scraper is supposed to do.
Tires. Make sure they are inflated. Cold can decrease the tire pressure.
More news on
‘Long duration snowfall’ could bring 10-15 inches of snow to metro Detroit this week
This week’s snowstorm could be one of metro Detroit’s highest snowfalls on record
And, while you’re at it, check the tread and consider if you need what we used to call snow tires. Winter tires give you more control in the snow and ice, and this probably isn’t the last we’ll see of the snow this winter.
When you brush off snow, remember to take it off more than your windows: lights, mirrors, hood and roof — if you can. Ever see a sheet of snow and ice fly off a car driving down the road?
Danger, Will Robinson.
Check your lights. Are all the bulbs working?
Have an emergency bag with jumper cables, a flashlight, gloves, a hat and warm clothes. A little extra food, water, blankets and medications aren’t a bad idea to have on hand either.
And have a bag of sand or cat litter handy for traction, in case you get stuck.
How to drive in the snow
Keep at least half a tank of fuel in your vehicle.
Never warm up a vehicle in an enclosed area, such as a garage.
Drive slowly. Adjust your speed to account for lower traction.
Accelerate and decelerate slowly. Apply the gas slowly to regain traction and avoid skids. Remember: It takes longer to slow down on icy roads.
Increase your following distance.
But don’t stop if you can avoid it. There’s a big difference in the amount of inertia it takes to start moving from a full stop versus how much it takes to get moving while still rolling. If you can slow down enough to keep rolling until a traffic light changes, do it.
Don’t power up hills. Applying extra gas on snow-covered roads will just make your wheels spin. As you reach the crest of the hill, reduce your speed and proceed downhill slowly.
Oh, and do not use cruise control when driving on ice and snow.
Stay clear of plows and salt trucks. Any trucks for that matter.
Every municipality makes its own decisions about when to salt and plow, but often if an accumulation of more than an inch is expected, the plows are going to run. Just know there’s a snowplow, salt truck driver shortage.
More: MDOT reveals 299 winners of Michigan snowplow naming contest
Also, on Wednesday morning, be extra careful.
The rain-to-snow transition means there may be snow on top of the ice, which could be a dangerous combination. And many places won’t salt early because the rain will just wash it away.
Wednesday morning could be one of the worst times to be on the road.
Tips for shoveling snow and snow removal
If you’re elderly or have disabilities, try to get help removing snow.
Here are some other snow removal tips:
Apply some de-icer or rock salt to your sidewalk and steps. That can make clearing snow and ice a little easier.
Don’t shovel after eating or while smoking.
Stretch out before you begin and don’t overexert yourself. Take frequent breaks and pay attention to how your body feels. Shovel fresh, powdery snow. Push snow rather than lift it.
If you do lift it, use a small shovel or only partially fill the shovel. And lift with your legs, not your back. Do not work to the point of exhaustion or if you have a history of heart disease.
If you feel tightness in the chest or dizziness, stop immediately.
Going out in the snow
Dress for the weather, including a hat, scarf, coat, gloves, socks, and water-resistant shoes or boots.
Watch where you are going. Leave your phone in your pocket.
When walking at night, wear outer clothing that contrasts with the white snow. When walking during the day, wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from glare. Give yourself plenty of time to get where you are going.
Watch for frozen pipes
Turn off water that flows through pipes to the outside of your home.
But, let pipes inside your home that might freeze drip cold water. Keep cabinet doors open. If your pipes freeze, remove any insulation or layers of newspapers and wrap pipes in rags. Open all faucets and pour hot water over the pipes.
Snow on your roof
The weight of snow can collapse your roof so look for signs of collapse, leaks for bends.
Do not try to climb on to or clear your roof on your own.
Use a snow rake or a broom for pitched roofs to remove snow from your roof.
Power outages
Make sure your laptops, cellphones, and any other devices that use rechargeable batteries are charged up. And consider purchasing a backup charger and get that ready, too.
Know where your fuse box is located and how to turn the power and circuit breakers on and off. Mapping and labeling each circuit breaker to its relative appliance or room is also a good idea.
If you lose power, the weather will be cold enough to keep food or perishable items in a sealed plastic bin on your porch, vehicle, or in the garage.
Use flashlights, headlamps, battery-operated lanterns or glow sticks rather than candles or other flammable lighting sources.
Do not use cooking grills or fuel-powered generators indoors as they emit carbon monoxide, which can be deadly.
Stay at least 20-25 feet away from downed power lines.
Broken DTE Energy power lines can be reported through DTE’s website. To report downed Consumers power lines, call 911 and 800-477-5050.
This article originally appeared on Detroit Free Press: Michigan winter storm 2022: What to know, how to prepare