Newspaper changes: Saturday print becomes digital-only; puzzles, games get updates

Starting Saturday, readers will notice changes to Treasure Coast Newspapers’ printed products.

As announced in January, the Saturday edition of the Indian River Press Journal, St. Lucie News Tribune and Stuart News will become digital-only and accessible by all subscribers via the e-Edition. This is a digital replica of print, which includes local, state and national news, sports, advertising and features such as comics and puzzles.

A Saturday newspaper will not be printed starting March 26. The newspaper will continue to be printed and delivered Sunday-Friday. The e-Edition will come out seven days a week.

Try e-Edition: This is a digital replica of the printed newspaper and is included with your subscription

Video: How to use the e-Edition

The e-Edition also offers subscribers free access to hundreds of other USA TODAY Network newspapers across the country as well as extra, late-breaking digital editions for sports and national news.

Newspapers throughout the industry and within Gannett, the parent company of Treasure Coast Newspapers, are decreasing print frequency as they respond to continual shifts toward digital news consumption.

Also changing this week are a few puzzles and games.

Most of these features are unchanged, but some have been replaced with similar content for standardization and readability. Readers also will find new, additional bonus pieces.

Here’s the breakdown:


  • USA TODAY crossword will replace the Sheffer crossword.

  • Daily Commuter crossword will replace the New York Times crossword.

  • Super Quiz and NEA crossword puzzles will be eliminated.

  • Cryptoquote, Cryptoquip, Boggle Brain Buster and LexiGo will be added.


  • LA Times and other crossword puzzles will replace the Puzzler and Premier crossword puzzles and Word Salsa.

  • Jumble and Boggle Brain Buster will be added.

The puzzles and comics, sometimes scattered throughout the newspaper and of various sizes, will be updated and standardized so they are easier to find and read in a new entertainment area.

USA TODAY also created a same-day puzzle solution website, Readers now can check answers instantly by visiting the website.

Readers also can find additional digital crossword puzzles at and digital comics at

Because most cable providers have updated programming lists available, the daily TV grid is being replaced with a feature highlighting what to watch that day.

For readers without access to a computer or smartphone, I realize these changes and push toward digital aren’t convenient. Change is never easy. The same can be said for those subscribers with digital access but who prefer to hold the printed newspaper every morning.

I understand and empathize with you. Print is still a very strong news platform, but it’s not the only one.

For those of you not familiar with the e-Edition, I encourage you to give the e-Edition and above aforementioned websites a try. It won’t be the same experience, but you may find they are good — maybe even better — alternatives to your daily newspaper habit.

Many longtime print readers have told me they enjoy the e-Edition — especially reading on a tablet such as an iPad — because they can enlarge the print, quickly share stories with family and even keep their hands ink-free. Plus, everyone in the house can read it at the same time on multiple devices.

Our website,, and digital apps also offer content that cannot go in print such as videos, interactive graphics and more. Print subscribers have full digital access to e-Edition and TCPalm.

For subscriber-only stories, visit and see what journalism your subscription helps fund.

Anyone with questions about the changes can access their account at, visit or call customer service at 844-331-0264.

Thank you for subscribing and supporting impactful local journalism.

Adam L. Neal is the executive editor and news director of and Treasure Coast Newspapers, including the Indian River Press Journal, St. Lucie News Tribune and Stuart News. Connect with him at @TCPalmAdamNeal on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

This article originally appeared on Treasure Coast Newspapers: Treasure Coast Newspapers will see print changes starting Saturday

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Treasure Coast Newspapers will see print changes starting Saturday

Sun Mar 20 , 2022
Saturday newspaper becomes digital only starting March 26 Few puzzles replaced with like content, new puzzles added e-Edition now includes free access to hundreds of U.S. newspapers, extra national and sports digital editions Starting Saturday, readers will notice changes to Treasure Coast Newspapers’ printed products.   As announced in January, […]

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