US Army planned to sponsor esports and Call of Duty streamers to reach Gen Z, Amazon refuses to comply with federal judge’s order to stop retaliating against unionizing employees and ex-engineer files age discrimination lawsuit against SpaceX.   That’s all the tech news that’s trending right now, welcome to Hashtag […]

Editors Note: The following contains The Batman spoilers.The Batman manages to separate itself from other cinematic versions of the Caped Crusader, especially in the noir-influenced tone and psychological elements that Matt Reeves brings to the table. Not only does The Batman dig deep into the mindset of Robert Pattinson‘s Bruce […]

The plague, the death, the supply chain, long lines at the post office, the collapse of many aspects of civil society might all play a role in that statistic. But in his classic 1951 study of the office-working middle class, the sociologist C. Wright Mills observed that “while the modern […]

One line in Avengers: Age of Ultron by Tony Stark foreshadowed Hawkeye’s Laura Barton reveal that she used to be a SHIELD agent in the past. Warning: This article contains SPOILERS for Hawkeye Marvel Studios foreshadowed Hawkeye‘s Laura Barton reveal back in Avengers: Age of Ultron. The second Avengers movie in the Marvel Cinematic […]

The past several years have seen a massive, sometimes malicious, assault on our sense of shared reality. The combination of social media and conspiracy theories has increased the reach and velocity of destructive lies. As a result, both the physical and political health of our country have been placed at risk. […]