Credit – Photo-illustration by Lon Tweeten for TIME; Getty images Before the Russian military invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24, Nataliia Nezhynska had never used Telegram. Now she can’t go a day without the messaging app. It feeds her an endless stream of updates from her native city of Kharkiv, in […]
BIDEN-XI CALL- President Biden and China’s President Xi Jinping will speak by phone Friday, as the two leaders weigh the others’ posture on a range of economic and security tensions that have been heightened following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Continue reading … WIN GETS AN ‘ASTERISK’ – Martina Navratilova weighs […]
A state TV employee interrupted Russia’s most watched news show Monday. She held up a sign that said “No war … Don’t believe the propaganda. They’re lying to you here.” The protester was swiftly detained and fined. But her act of defiance is going viral outside and inside Russia — […]
NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! This weekend’s edition of “Saturday Night Live” opened with President Biden (played by “SNL” cast member James Austin Johnson) thanking White House press secretary Jen Psaki for setting up a meeting with several TikTok stars who were recruited to help end Russia’s […]
I think most of us would be willing to pay more at the pump if we thought the extra money would somehow make it into the hands of the Ukrainian people who have fled their homes or had their neighborhoods destroyed during the Russian invasion. Instead, I fear it will […]
In Russia’s version of the war, Russians are liberators, Ukrainians are Nazis, and the West is full of mendacious hypocrites. To turn on Russian TV news is to enter a parallel universe, one where even the word war is forbidden. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s government has now blocked or restricted […]
Russian President Putin attends a meeting with his Azerbaijani counterpart at the Kremlin in Moscow on Feb. 22, 2022. Russian President Putin attends a meeting with his Azerbaijani counterpart at the Kremlin in Moscow on Feb. 22, 2022. Credit – Mikhail Klimenntyev—SPUTNIK/AFP/Getty Images Exhausted and choked with emotion, a group […]
Have you been watching the war in Ukraine via TikTok? Supposedly, everyone has been. “This is the first war that will be covered on TikTok by super-empowered individuals armed only with smartphones,” the New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman wrote in February. That same week, all kinds of publications started […]
Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin. Illustrated | Getty Images, iStock If there’s some good news coming out of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s misbegotten war on Ukraine, it might be this: China’s alliance with Russia appears to be mostly lip service. That wasn’t a sure bet. Just days before the invasion […]
Eight years ago, Olga Yurkova and her colleagues founded StopFake, a fact-checking organization based in Kyiv, Ukraine. Since then, they have confronted the Russian propaganda machine head on, giving readers a fact-based alternative to the lies of Vladimir Putin’s regime. Even now, despite the brutal Russian attack on her country, […]