WordPress is a Content Management System (CMS). It allows you to host your website on the internet.
Importance of a good hosting platform
Choosing the right hosting platform is the most important step to be taken after you have built a website. The host gives your website an address in this highly entangled world of the internet. Your site’s performance, functionality and security are determined by the host. So, make the right choice.
Knowing which hosting provider is right for you will enable you to get off to a great start, regardless of your site’s niche and complexity.
Here, we shall discuss WordPress web hosting and its various advantages. We shall also have a quick look at the various other hosting options available and the advantages WordPress has over them.
Know more about WordPress Hosting
Simply put, web hosting is the way to publish your website on the internet. A host rents you server space where you can keep your website’s files and display them to visitors as and when they ask for it. Every time a user clicks on your URL, the site’s data travels from the server to the user’s browser.
WordPress.com hosts websites either for free or for a nominal fee. There are several benefits of using a self-hosted platform like WordPress. Some of the advantages are listed below:
- Get a customized domain name. WordPress allows you to manage your site and domain from one location.
- WordPress helps you gain control over your site’s functionality. Use of themes and plugins allows you to customize your site to match your brand’s look and feel.
- Opting for a WordPress hosting plan gives you platform-specific updates and support.
- WordPress gives you access to numerous plugins, free themes and permits you to easily add value-added features to your website. Most importantly, WordPress is robust and very secure.
- With multiple benefits, WordPress web hosting has proved to be superior to other hosting options and cost effective as well. A beginner WordPress hosting plan can cost you as low as $4.95 a month. Besides, the WordPress blogging platform is free and open source. You only need to pay for the domain name and hosting.
- WordPress is for all… beginners as well as for well settled, large corporate houses/businesses.
Types of WordPress Hosting options
Choosing the WordPresss right hosting plan will make all the difference to how your site performs and how visitors respond to your offering. So let’s have a look at the four types of WordPress hosting services:
1. WordPress on Shared Hosting
Shared hosting is the most popular WordPress hosting plan because it is relatively cheaper and chosen by those who are creating a WordPress website for the first time. Here, many websites share one server.
2. Managed WordPress Hosting
As the name suggests, this Hosting facility is completely looked after by professionals and the user need not bother about managing it. It is beneficial for both small and large enterprises. Managed WordPress hosting plans offer speed and efficiency, but are costlier than Shared Hosting.
3. VPS Hosting
A Virtual Private Server (VPS) is a physical server with multiple divisions inside. The user gets dedicated space against a fee. WordPress can be installed by the user in an isolated environment. VPS is best suited for websites that get medium-level visitor traffic. It costs less than a Dedicated Hosting plan, but more than a Managed WordPress plan.
4. Dedicated Hosting
Dedicated Hosting plans are meant for clients that cater to a very high number of visitors. Opting for any other hosting plan could severely impact such a client’s website performance.
Prominent Features of WordPress Web Hosting
- Speed: WordPress Hosting servers offer fast speed. Even high traffic fails to affect the performance of a WordPress website.
- Consistent Backup: WordPress Hosting gives daily backup with Codeguard.
- High Uptime: WordPress Hosting servers have a reputation of zero or low down-time. Statistically speaking, the Uptime is 99.9%.
- Constant Updates: WordPress servers offer updates that are automatic and frequent. The integration process is seamless. Constant updates also mean that all security threats are taken care of.
- WordPress web hosting is hassle-free and user-friendly.
To choose the right WordPress web hosting plan, first understand the kind of website you are managing and analyze the visitor traffic. WordPress hosting is most suited for those looking for good performance, sufficient resources and utilization and up-to-date security for a website.