May 4, 2024


Unlimited Technology

The Surprising Impact of Prioritizing Inner Peace and Healing

Opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not reflect the views of Rolling Stone editors or publishers.

Zoom has changed the landscape of how we interact with clients, businesses and the like. The physical office has been replaced with a digital environment, which, in a lot of ways, can be a blessing, yet at the same time “Zoom fatigue” is a very real phenomenon.

As a digital entrepreneur, I’m grateful for the opportunity to work anywhere in the world from the comfort of my laptop (and a good Wi-Fi connection). As a highly creative person, I often crave alone time, especially after long meetings and stressful writing deadlines, because my battery needs to be recharged so I can create art, write (for the sake of writing) and also fill up my metaphorical cup. Admittedly, I’ve found myself going into long periods of isolation because of productivity burnout and the toll it takes on mental, emotional and even physical health.

It’s not uncommon for high-performing entrepreneurs to experience the dreaded burnout, and when we are feeling like our wires are frayed, we may find ourselves at an impasse on how to ignite that inner spark of inspiration again.

Once a year, I normally teach a workshop on meditation and (a grounded approach to) intuition at Rythmia, a medically licensed plant medicine retreat center in Guanacaste, Costa Rica. I hadn’t been back in about two years because of the pandemic and travel restrictions.

Microdosing has increased in popularity among entrepreneurs over the past few years. Mainstream media has been warming up to psychedelic therapy in recent news coverage, and many pop culture figures are openly speaking about their experiences with plant medicines like ayahuasca or entheogens. Ayahuasca came into my life in 2013, and in the many journeys I’ve had with it, I have always walked away with a refreshed outlook on life. However, after many journeys, I decided to take a long, extended break from all plant “medicines.”

The Rolling Stone Culture Council is an invitation-only community for Influencers, Innovators and Creatives. Do I qualify?

I was a bit apprehensive to come back to teach after two years behind a screen, and without “the medicine” (as it’s called), but I look forward to the opportunity to meet new travelers on the path and share time together. One week turned into two, and two weeks in Costa Rica turned into almost an entire month. Why you might ask?

Having the opportunity to tune out from the outside world and regenerate feelings of inner peace was invaluable to me. Dedicating time to connect with others and recharge is vital to alleviating isolation, stress and burnout. When you give yourself the space to hit the reset button, you can focus less on the latest financial catastrophe or stalled creative project and focus more on what you can actually control in the moment — what can be created and dreamed up for the future.

Peak experiences aren’t always found by chasing the ineffable up a mountain. They can also be found in the simplicity of self-care and slowing down to see, appreciate and connect with the beauty of life, as it is. According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, there are five crucial factors when it comes to feeling satisfied and whole. Those needs are: physiological (food and clothing), safety (job security), love and belonging needs (friendship), esteem, and self-actualization.”

Job security and feelings of overall safety were (and still are) a challenge for many of us because of the pandemic affecting businesses in a multitude of detrimental ways. Author S. Kelley Harrell has been attributed to having said, “We don’t heal in isolation, but in community.” Social distancing and polarizing political perspectives have also been something that’s taken a toll on many of us. As social creatures, human beings often thrive when given the opportunity to build new relationships and connect with others. Fear of socializing, and the residual anxieties from the last few years, can be hard to overcome.

Yet, being in a safe environment, with a like-minded community can have a healing quality of its own. To feel loved, and to feel a sense of belonging through conversation and human connection, is absolutely precious. The connections you forge and foster can oftentimes prove to be long-lasting and have an overall restorative quality for your quality of life.

You don’t need to have the budget to go on a retreat to overcome feelings of burnout and isolation. Everyone has that immediate circle of connections to interact with and build upon. Some simple wisdom I can offer from my own experience is that healthy food, friendship, equanimity (cultivating a sense of mental calmness, even in uncertainty), continued education (through books or even online workshops) and gratitude for the present moment can allow life to be its own “psychedelic” experience.

Focusing on your life with intention and purpose flips the script on burnout and puts you on the path of inspiration. For example, make space for cultivating a deeper sense of connection through intentionally working with the time you have. Enjoying a sunrise or sunset, making a weekly date with a dear friend, cultivating a daily meditation practice or dedicating one day a week to unplug is a great way to start.

If you “microdose” the present, you may just be able to find new meaning, and the small stuff adds up to big stuff in time.

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